OnlineEd 2022-2023 Law and Rule Required Course – FREE
- Jan 03, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022
- Expired!
- All Day
On January 1, 2022, OnlineEd launched its new 2022-2023 Oregon Law and Rule Required Course (LARRC), and you can get it for FREE here for all of 2022!
House Bill 2703, Oregon Laws 2021, Chapter 161 now requires real estate licensees renewing active licenses or reactivating licenses on or after July 1, 2022, to complete this specific version of LARRC, which includes specific fair housing content to qualify for renewal or reactivation. This means if you already completed LARRC before January 1 of this year, and your renewal is on or after July 1, 2022, you will need to complete the new LARRC that includes the required fair housing component.

OnlineEd 2022-2023 Law and Rule Required Course – FREE
On January 1, 2022, OnlineEd launched its new 2022-2023 Oregon Law and Rule Required Course (LARRC), and you can get it for FREE here for all of 2022!
House Bill 2703, Oregon Laws 2021, Chapter 161 now requires real estate licensees renewing active licenses or reactivating licenses on or after July 1, 2022, to complete this specific version of LARRC, which includes specific fair housing content to qualify for renewal or reactivation. This means if you already completed LARRC before January 1 of this year, and your renewal is on or after July 1, 2022, you will need to complete the new LARRC that includes the required fair housing component.
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