2025 Annual Realtor® Membership Renewals were most recently emailed from membership@pmar.org on January 29th, 2025 |
“Throughout the course of your career, you will likely work with buyers and sellers of many different backgrounds. As a REALTOR® sworn to uphold a strict Code of Ethics, you must treat all clients equally, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The REALTOR® commitment to diversity and equality is perhaps the strongest in real estate, even going a step farther than the federal Fair Housing Act, which does not include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes against housing discrimination.” (Source: National Association of REALTORS®)
In 2020, NAR launched Fairhaven, a fair housing simulation training for Realtors® that uses the power of storytelling to help members identify, prevent, and address discriminatory practices in real estate. Inspired by real stories, this innovative online experience has agents work against the clock to sell homes in the fictional town of Fairhaven, while confronting discrimination in the homebuying process. Learners will also walk in the shoes of a homebuyer facing discrimination. The training provides customized feedback that learners can apply to daily business interactions.
In 2017, NAR took its first look at member business through the lens of gender and race. The 2021 report expands these topics and scope. In addition to examining experiences by race and gender, NAR members were also asked questions regarding their sexual orientation.
This list was created as a part of a conciliation agreement between RMLS™ and the Fair Housing Council of Oregon. RMLS™ has agreed to routinely search its database for these words and remove them from any listing in which they appear. RMLS™ is committed to observing the Fair Housing Act, which seeks to ensure equal opportunity in housing. This list is not intended to be a complete list of words that may violate federal, state or local fair housing laws. Agents should check with their broker and brokers may wish to consult their attorney regarding fair housing compliance.
The sale and purchase of a home is one of the most significant events that any person will experience in their lifetime. It is more than the simple purchase of housing, for it includes the hopes, dreams, aspirations, and economic destiny of those involved.
NAR’s At Home With Diversity® (AHWD) course teaches Realtors® how to work effectively with today’s diverse pool of homebuyers and addresses the topics of diversity, fair housing, and business planning development. Once you complete the course, you can take your commitment to the next level by applying for the AHWD certification.
NAR partnered with the mind science experts at the Perception Institute to create this online workshop to help members avoid implicit bias in their daily business interactions.
2020 NAR President Vince Malta addresses the Realtor® commitment to equality, inclusion, restoring communities, and impacting change. In the second video, he addresses rebuilding grants and what brokers and agents can do now to help communities.
Like to learn about the world from podcasts? From This American Life to The Bowery Boys, NAR presents podcasts that will educate you about Fair Housing.
The articles featured are the work of investigative journalists who have uncovered critical fair housing stories, along with civil rights scholars who have condensed their books into a shorter form. They’ll help you deepen your understanding of fair housing in less time than it takes to read an entire book.
Our local affinity groups are NAR-sanctioned organizations with common interests or goals. They provide an inclusive environment and a collective voice to empower all to succeed in the real estate industry.
DISCOVER THE MANY Benefits of Membership
Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors®
150 SW Harrison Street,
Suite 200
Portland, OR 97201
(503) 228-6595