RPAC Major Investor Event
- Mar 23, 2023
- Expired!
- 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
- Mar 23, 2023
- Expired!
- 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
https://www.tumwaterballroom.org/This event is by invitation only for PMAR’s RPAC Major Investors and potential Major Investors. If you’re interested in attending and becoming a Major Investor, please contact Michele Gila.
Join your fellow RPAC Major Investors for a cocktail party! We will meet at the Tumwater Ballroom in Oregon City, which boasts an unbeatable view of Willamette Falls. In fact, Metro Councilor Christine Lewis will present on the development around Willamette Falls.
Show up early for a waterfront stroll and be sure to visit the Museum of the Oregon Territory. Your admission fee will be waived at the museum as an attendee of the PMAR event. Enjoy an evening with your fellow Major Investors over cocktails, non-alcoholic alternatives, and substantial appetizers.
This is a recruitment event, so you must bring a plus one who is interested in learning more about becoming a Major Investor. If you need guest ideas, Michele Gila can help!
By attending this event, you authorize PMAR to use any photos or videos taken during the event in future media promotions, including but not limited to publicity, editorial coverage, print advertising, and web content. Your registration is considered permission to use your likeness unless you notify communications@pmar.org no later than one day prior to the event.
Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of Realtors®, Oregon or local associations of Realtors® will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. 70% of each contribution is used by Oregon REALTOR® PAC to support state and local political candidates. Until Oregon REALTOR® PAC reaches its RPAC goal, 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after the Oregon REALTOR® PAC reaches its RPAC goal, your entire contribution will be used to support state and local candidates. Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes, ORS 316.102 provides for a credit against state taxes of up to $50 per individual or $100 per joint return for contributions to political committees.

RPAC Major Investor Event
- Mar 23, 2023
- Expired!
- 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
https://www.tumwaterballroom.org/This event is by invitation only for PMAR’s RPAC Major Investors and potential Major Investors. If you’re interested in attending and becoming a Major Investor, please contact Michele Gila.
Join your fellow RPAC Major Investors for a cocktail party! We will meet at the Tumwater Ballroom in Oregon City, which boasts an unbeatable view of Willamette Falls. In fact, Metro Councilor Christine Lewis will present on the development around Willamette Falls.
Show up early for a waterfront stroll and be sure to visit the Museum of the Oregon Territory. Your admission fee will be waived at the museum as an attendee of the PMAR event. Enjoy an evening with your fellow Major Investors over cocktails, non-alcoholic alternatives, and substantial appetizers.
This is a recruitment event, so you must bring a plus one who is interested in learning more about becoming a Major Investor. If you need guest ideas, Michele Gila can help!
By attending this event, you authorize PMAR to use any photos or videos taken during the event in future media promotions, including but not limited to publicity, editorial coverage, print advertising, and web content. Your registration is considered permission to use your likeness unless you notify communications@pmar.org no later than one day prior to the event.
Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of Realtors®, Oregon or local associations of Realtors® will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. 70% of each contribution is used by Oregon REALTOR® PAC to support state and local political candidates. Until Oregon REALTOR® PAC reaches its RPAC goal, 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after the Oregon REALTOR® PAC reaches its RPAC goal, your entire contribution will be used to support state and local candidates. Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes, ORS 316.102 provides for a credit against state taxes of up to $50 per individual or $100 per joint return for contributions to political committees.
- Mar 23, 2023
- Expired!
- 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
https://www.tumwaterballroom.org/Related Events

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